Group Meditation and Conscious Gathering

Virtuality has become the magic wand that is helping us connect on an unprecedented global scale. However, it may also push us into further isolation if we prefer the dubious convenience of home services to personal interaction.

At Casa del Dharma, we firmly believe in the concept of COMMUNITY. As human beings, we NEED to continue interacting on a personal level in order to preserve and promote our mental and emotional health.

That’s why we have created the Dharma Circle, our bi-weekly group meditation and conscious gathering, where we connect, build rapport, encourage efforts, express our truth, and share our humanity with a supporting circle of like-minded individuals.

When do we do it?

Details coming soon

How do we do it?

Our gatherings begin with meditation, relaxation, breathing, chanting or any other activity that elevates our consciousness and brings us together
After that, we explore different topics from a conscious perspective or take time to share our ideas, emotions, fears, dreams, worries, achievements, experiences or any other thing that comes to mind. Pure sharing and receiving with an open heart.
All our sessions are either LIVE or LIVE streaming so we can all interact with each other.
We intend to offer more and more live events as restrictions are lifted.
We strive to create a lively community where people from all over the world interact sharing personal experiences and concerns.